WEBFISHING - A Sage`s Fishing Journal
Welcome to A Sage's Fishing Journal, A Guide to WEBFISHING.
Here we'll focus on which Baits and Lures are the most effective for catching particular fish, including information about Rarity and Tier.
Knowledge will also change from updates and this guide will be updated with new information that I learn. Please be wary of the version that the guide is for. An update may drastically change the game and make a lot of the guide invalid, so keep that in mind.
CTRL+F (Find) is your best friend here. Use it to find whichever information you need. There's a lot here.
Note: You could technically have better odds using less-efficient methods due to RNG being RNG. However, the options listed ahead theoretically should net you the highest possible chance of catching that particular fish.
Tiers, Rarity & Stats
Current Available Tiers of Fish:
- Tier 1
- Tier 2
- Tier 3
Current Available Rarities (☆ Stars) of Fish:
- Normal (0 Star)
- ☆ Shining (1 Star)
- ☆☆ Glistening (2 Star)
- ☆☆☆ Opulent (3 Star)
- ☆☆☆☆ Radiant (4 Star)
- ☆☆☆☆☆ **Alpha (5 Star)
Rod Power: Depicts damage done to the white line during the fishing minigame.
- Level 0: 1 Damage (+0.15 Damage with Quick Jig)
- Level 1: 3 Damage (+0.45 Damage with Quick Jig)
- Level 2: 10 Damage (+1.5 Damage with Quick Jig)
- Level 3: 20 Damage (+3 Damage with Quick Jig)
- Level 4: 35 Damage (+5.25 Damage with Quick Jig)
- Level 5: 50 Damage (+7.5 Damage with Quick Jig)
Reel Speed: Depicts progress speed of green bar during fishing minigame.
- Level 0: 0% Speed
- Level 1: 10% Speed
- Level 2: 24% Speed
- Level 3: 40% Speed
- Level 4: 70% Speed
- Level 5: 100% Speed
Catch Chance: Depicts how long it takes for a fish to be hooked. (I assume these values increase the chance of a successful catch tick to occur, but this is an ultra-simplified way of showing the improvement, they do make a considerable difference so while the percentages might seem small, it saves a crazy amount of time overall.)
- Level 0: 0% Catch Chance Boost
- Level 1: 2% Catch Chance Boost
- Level 2: 4% Catch Chance Boost
- Level 3: 6% Catch Chance Boost
- Level 4: 8% Catch Chance Boost
- Level 5: 10% Catch Chance Boost
Rod Luck: Depicts value of coin bags received at random. Higher Rarity = Higher Value.
- Level 0: 0 Star Rarity
- Level 1: 1 Star Rarity
- Level 2: 2 Star Rarity
- Level 3: 3 Star Rarity
- Level 4: 4 Star Rarity
- Level 5: 5 Star Rarity
Baits depict which Tier & Rarity of fish you are able to catch.
You can effectively use weaker baits if you're missing lower rarity fish, but it's just as applicable to just use the highest one as you most likely need to fill out the journal for the higher rarity fish anyway.
- Worms $0 each

Able to catch ONLY Tier 1 and Tier 2 fish.
Can ONLY bait 0 Star (Normal) rarity fish.
Best chance for Tier 1 & Tier 2 0 Star (Normal) Rarity Fish.
- Crickets $1 each

Able to catch ALL Tiers of fish (Tier 1, Tier 2 & Tier 3).
Can ONLY bait 0 & 1 Star (Normal & Shining) rarity fish.
Best chance for Tier 3 0 Star (Normal) Rarity Fish.
- Leeches $2 each

Able to catch ALL Tiers of fish (Tier 1, Tier 2 & Tier 3).
Can ONLY bait 0, 1 & 2 Star (Normal, Shining & Glistening) rarity fish.
- Minnows $4 each

Able to catch ALL Tiers of fish (Tier 1, Tier 2 & Tier 3).
Can ONLY bait 0, 1, 2 & 3 Star (Normal, Shining, Glistening & Opulent) rarity fish.
Best chance for 1 Star (Shining) Rarity Fish.
- Squid $7 each

Able to catch ALL Tiers of fish (Tier 1, Tier 2 & Tier 3).
Can bait ALL except for 5 Star (Alpha) rarity fish.
Best chance for 2 Star (Glistening) Rarity Fish
- Nautiluses $17 each

Able to catch ALL Tiers of fish (Tier 1, Tier 2 & Tier 3).
Can bait ALL rarity fish.
Best chance for 3 Star (Opulent), 4 Star (Radiant) & 5 Star (Alpha) Rarity Fish.
Lures can add various positive/negative effects including increased bait usage, minigames, earnings, limits, increased catch chances to particular fish or trash etc.
OK Lures refer to Lures that work for all fish in the game but won't always be the best option. Use them if you want to simplify things or have no better Lure to use.
My recommendations for the best OK Lures:
- Golden Hook (If you need Extremely Rare fish)
- Double Hook (If you need/want Cash)
- Attractive Angler (If you don't need/want Cash and you already have all the Extremely Rare fish)
For the best Cash, why Double Hook instead of Lucky Hook or Challenge Lure?
With an average fish value of $200, on average with a Double Hook, you can expect 15 out of 100 fish to be doubled. 25 out of 100 fish will consume double bait. So including the cost of double bait, $3,000 - $425 = $2,575.
Lucky Hook on average will offer 5% increased value across 100 fish. Average value of fish = $200 so $200 x 100 total fish = $20,000. 5% of $20,000 is $1,000.
So in an average case, Double Hook's $2,575 heavily outperforms Lucky Hook's $1,000 by more than 2.5x.
Even with Lucky Hook at it's best, it's still only $2,000. Double Hook's Average of $2,575 still outperforms Lucky Hook's $2,000 by 1.2875x
Challenge Lure is just too weak by mid-game. It only offers a few dollars per click and requires considerably more effort and can cut into total time spent catching fish which will in turn hurt profit per hour as you'll be catching less fish per hour.
- Bare Hook

Simple fishhook, nothing special.
No effect.
Useful only at the beginning.
- Fly Hook

ncreased chance of catching smaller sized fish.
This ALWAYS picks the smallest fish out of the roll. Can be useful for catching small sized fish.
- Lucky Hook OK Lure

Gain a small amount of cash on every catch.
Gives 1-10% of catch value in cash after every catch.
Very useful early-game lure as it helps gather funds.
- Patient Lure OK Lure

Catches wait for your input before beginning to reel in.
When a Fish is hooked, Fishing minigame will not start until you click.
Useful if you're multi-tasking or going AFK.
- Quick Jig OK Lure

Reel Quicker and gain Rod Power.
Increases Reel Speed by 25% and Rod Power by 15%.
Useful if you lack upgrades and/or you're struggling to catch difficult fish.
- Salty Lure OK Lure

Always catch Saltwater fish, no matter the body of water.
Sets all fish in all pools of water to have only Saltwater fish.
Useful if you want Saltwater fish from Freshwater pools. DOES NOT prevent trash.
- Fresh Lure OK Lure

Always catch Freshwater fish, no matter the body of water.
Sets all fish in all pools of water to have only Freshwater fish.
Useful if you want Freshwater fish from Saltwater pools. DOES NOT prevent trash.
- Efficient Lure OK Lure

Chance to not consume bait on catch.
Gives a 20% chance to not consume bait after each catch.
Useful if you're trying to save money on expensive bait.
- Magnet Lure

Higher chance of catching treasure and trash.
Increase chance of treasure by 4x (0.1% to 0.4%) and trash by 2x (5% to 10%).
Useful if you need to find treasure/trash for journal collecting.
- Large Lure

Higher chance of catching bigger sized fish with a 25% chance of consuming 2x bait.
This ALWAYS picks the largest fish out of the roll. Can be useful for catching large sized fish.
- Attractive Angler OK Lure | Best for Catch rate

Higher catch chance.
Increases the percentage change of every catching tick that occurs by 30%.
Useful if you want to wait less between hooking fish.
- Sparkling Lure

Higher chance of greater tier fish with a chance to consume extra bait.
Increased odds of higher tier fish with a 25% chance to consume 2 bait instead of 1.
Useful if you need high tier fish.
- Double Hook OK Lure | Best for Cash

Low chance of doubling fish on catch but has a chance to consume extra bait on catch.
15% chance per catch to double the fish & 25% chance of consuming 2 bait instead of 1.
Very useful in late-game, currently the best lure to earn money.
- Golden Hook OK Lure | ONLY if you need Extremely Rare fish

Higher chance of catching rare fish & treasure but always consumes 3x bait per catch.
3x chance of catching Golden Bass/Manta Ray, Leedsichthys & Diamond but 3x bait used.
Useful for catching the listed rare fish above at the cost of increased bait consumption.
- Challenge Lure OK Lure

Gives popups in the fishing minigame, clicking them gives cash, missing penalizes you.
Successful clicks award cash depending on value of fish, missing causes failure (red) bar to increase. Useful mid-game lure for Cash but requires more effort over every other lure.
Consumables have role-play effects and/or can grant temporary positive/negative effects.
Try to keep Cola always active while fishing and try to keep Slurpee always active while travelling. Keep in mind that Character Model Size affects Maximum Casting Distance.
- Catcher's Cola ($25) Lasts 5 Minutes

15% Increased Catch Rate
25% Increased Reel Speed
$1-10 Bonus Cash per Catch
Useful beginner consumable. Try to keep active at all times while fishing.
- Catcher's Cola ULTRA ($150) Lasts 5 Minutes

30% Increased Catch Rate
45% Increased Reel Speed
$10-50 Bonus Cash per Catch
1-25% Fish Value in Cash per Catch
Very useful consumable. Good for Cash. Try to keep active at all times while fishing.
- Catcher's Cola DELUXE ($150) Lasts 5 Minutes

30% Increased Catch Rate
45% Increased Reel Speed
25% Increased XP Gain
Very useful consumable. Good for XP. Try to keep active at all times while fishing.
- Speed Slurpee ($5) Lasts 5 Minutes

30% Increased Sprinting Speed
Useful beginner consumable. Try to keep active while travelling.
- Speed Slurpee XL ($10) Lasts 15 Seconds

400% Increased Sprinting Speed
Very useful consumable. Try to keep active while travelling.
- Shrink Soda ($5) Lasts Indefinitely

Each drink will make your Character Model smaller. (3 Drinks Max)
Each drink will decrease your Max Casting Distance. (3 Drinks Max)
You can reset size by drinking Water.
Leaving the game will reset size.
Role-play consumable.
- Big Beverage ($5) Lasts Indefinitely

Each drink will make your Character Model larger. (3 Drinks Max)
Each drink will increase your Max Casting Distance. (3 Drinks Max)
You can reset size by drinking Water.
Leaving the game will reset size.
Role-play consumable.
- Hook's Lite ($10) Lasts 2 Minutes per Drink, up to a max of 14 Minutes

Each drink will make you more drunk. (3 Drinks Max)
You can sober up by drinking Water.
Leaving the game will make you sober.
Role-play consumable.
- Red Carp-ernet Sauvignon ($50) Lasts 14 Minutes

Makes you the highest level of drunk. (1 Drink Max)
You can sober up by drinking Water.
Leaving the game will make you sober.
Role-play consumable.
- Water ($1)

Lowers Drunk timer by 3 minutes.
Sets Character Model to default size.
Clears all role-play consumable effects.
Fishing Buddies
Fishing Buddies will automatically catch fish for you. Their placement is irrelevant and can be put wherever. They have no maintenance/bait costs. Once you buy/upgrade them, it's indefinite.
Upgrades are shared between buddies.
Removing the bucket prop while they've caught a fish will automatically put the fish they caught into your inventory and remove the prop.
- Freshwater Fishing Buddy
Able to catch all Freshwater fish.

- Saltwater Fishing Buddy
Able to catch all Saltwater fish.

- Fish Caught Icon
This icon means that the FIshing Buddy has caught a fish! Walk up to it and claim it ASAP as the fishing buddy cannot hold more than one fish. Removing the prop will put the fish into your inventory automatically.

Freshwater Fish (Introduction)
REMEMBER to fish in Freshwater pools. This is any pool of water that isn't the ocean. If you do want to fish in the ocean, use Fresh Lure. Keep in mind that the Void is considered a Saltwater pool.
Required Bait means bait that is required in order to catch that particular fish.
Good Lures are lures that will increase your odds of catching that particular fish.
Bad Lures are lures that will decrease/remove your odds of catching that particular fish.
OK Lures: Bare Hook, Lucky Hook, Patient Lure, Quick Jig, Fresh Hook, Efficient Lure, Attractive Angler, Double Hook or Challenge Hook.
I recommend you select an OK Lure before searching for the fish you want. This way, if it has no 'Good Lures' you can default to the OK Lure that you like.
My recommendations for OK Lures
- Double Hook if you need/want Cash.
- Attractive Angler if you don't need/want Cash.
- Patient Lure if you're multi-tasking or going AFK.
Use Golden Hook as an OK Lure ONLY IF you still need Golden Bass or Diamond, otherwise this is considered a Bad Lure as it increases your chance of getting a fish you don't need over a fish that you do need. It's listed by default as a Bad Lure on majority of the fish below because it does lower your chance of getting that particular fish in the end.
You might see some small fish that may or may not have Fly Hook and also the option to use any OK Lures, this is because there's quite a bit of small fish and unless it's in the smaller quadrant of all of the small fish, it may damage your odds in which case it would be considered a Bad Lure. Same with the larger fish & lure. Basically, your mileage may vary.
There are also situations where some lures will be listed such as 'Golden Hook > Sparkling Lure'. This just means that there's the best option (which in this case is the 'Golden Hook') and also the weaker but still viable option. ('Sparkling Lure').
Freshwater Fish (A-F)
Alligator Mississippiensis
- Tier 3
- Required Bait: Crickets, Leeches, Minnows, Squid or Nautiluses.
- Good Lures: Large Lure or Sparkling Lure.
- Bad Lures: Fly Hook, Salty Lure, Magnet Lure and Golden Hook.

Ambystoma Mexicanum
- Tier 3
- Required Bait: Crickets, Leeches, Minnows, Squid or Nautiluses.
- Good Lures: Sparkling Lure.
- Bad Lures: Fly Hook, Salty Lure, Magnet Lure, Large Lure and Golden Hook.

Largemouth Bass
Micropterus Salmoides
- Tier 1
- Required Bait: Worms, Crickets, Leeches, Minnows, Squid or Nautiluses.
- Good Lures : Any OK Lure.
- Bad Lures : Fly Hook, Salty Lure, Magnet Lure, Large Lure, Sparkling Lure and Golden Hook.

Lepomis Macrochirus
- Tier 1
- Required Bait: Worms, Crickets, Leeches, Minnows, Squid or Nautiluses.
- Good Lures : Any OK Lure.
- Bad Lures : Fly Hook, Salty Lure, Magnet Lure, Large Lure, Sparkling Lure and Golden Hook.

Amia Calva
- Tier 2
- Required Bait: Crickets, Leeches, Minnows, Squid or Nautiluses.
- Good Lures: Sparkling Lure or any OK Lure.
- Bad Lures: Fly Hook, Salty Lure, Magnet Lure, Large Lure and Golden Hook

Bull Shark
Carcharhinus Leucas
- Tier 3
- Required Bait: Crickets, Leeches, Minnows, Squid or Nautiluses.
- Good Lures: Sparkling Lure or Large Lure.
- Bad Lures: Fly Hook, Salty Lure, Magnet Lure and Golden Hook

Cyprinus Carpio
- Tier 1
- Required Bait: Worms, Crickets, Leeches, Minnows, Squid or Nautiluses.
- Good Lures: Any OK Lure.
- Bad Lures: Fly Hook, Salty Lure, Magnet Lure, Large Lure, Sparkling Lure and Golden Hook.

Ictalurus Punctatus
- Tier 1
- Required Bait: Worms, Crickets, Leeches, Minnows, Squid or Nautiluses.
- Good Lures: Any OK Lure.
- Bad Lures: Fly Hook, Salty Lure, Magnet Lure, Large Lure, Sparkling Lure and Golden Hook.

Uca Minax
- Tier 2
- Required Bait: Crickets, Leeches, Minnows, Squid or Nautiluses.
- Good Lures: Sparkling Lure, Fly Hook or any OK Lure.
- Bad Lures: Salty Lure, Magnet Lure, Large Lure and Golden Hook.

Pomoxis Annularis
- Tier 2
- Required Bait: Crickets, Leeches, Minnows, Squid or Nautiluses.
- Good Lures: Sparkling Lure or any OK Lure.
- Bad Lures: Fly Hook, Salty Lure, Magnet Lure, Large Lure and Golden Hook.

Procambarus Clarkii
- Tier 1
- Required Bait: Worms, Crickets, Leeches, Minnows, Squid or Nautiluses.
- Good Lures: Fly Hook or any OK Lure.
- Bad Lures: Salty Lure, Magnet Lure, Large Lure, Sparkling Lure and Golden Hook.

Aplodinotus Grunniens
- Tier 1
- Required Bait: Worms, Crickets, Leeches, Minnows, Squid or Nautiluses.
- Good Lures: Use any OK Lure.
- Bad Lures: Salty Lure, Magnet Lure, Large Lure, Sparkling Lure and Golden Hook.

Rana Temporaria
- Tier 1
- Required Bait: Worms, Crickets, Leeches, Minnows, Squid or Nautiluses.
- Good Lures: Fly Hook or any OK Lure.
- Bad Lures: Salty Lure, Magnet Lure, Large Lure, Sparkling Lure and Golden Hook.

Freshwater Fish (G-P)
Atractosteus Spatula
- Tier 3
- Required Bait: Crickets, Leeches, Minnows, Squid or Nautiluses.
- Good Lures: Large Lure or Sparkling Lure.
- Bad Lures: Fly Hook, Salty Lure, Magnet Lure and Golden Hook.

Golden Bass
Micropterus Aurum
- Tier 3
- Required Bait: Crickets, Leeches, Minnows, Squid or Nautiluses.
- Good Lures: Golden Hook > Sparkling Lure > Any OK Lure
- Bad Lures: Fly Hook, Salty Lure, Magnet Lure and Large Lure.

Carassius Auratus
- Tier 1
- Required Bait: Worms, Crickets, Leeches, Minnows, Squid or Nautiluses.
- Good Lures: Fly Hook or any OK Lure.
- Bad Lures: Salty Lure, Magnet Lure, Large Lure, Sparkling Lure and Golden Hook.

Poecilia Reticulata
- Tier 1
- Required Bait: Worms, Crickets, Leeches, Minnows, Squid or Nautiluses.
- Good Lures: Fly Hook or any OK Lure.
- Bad Lures: Salty Lure, Magnet Lure, Large Lure, Sparkling Lure and Golden Hook.

King Salmon
Oncorhynchus Tshawytscha
- Tier 3
- Required Bait: Crickets, Leeches, Minnows, Squid or Nautiluses.
- Good Lures: Large Lure or Sparkling Lure.
- Bad Lures: Fly Hook, Salty Lure, Magnet Lure and Golden Hook.

Cyprinus Rubrofuscus
- Tier 1
- Required Bait: Worms, Crickets, Leeches, Minnows, Squid or Nautiluses.
- Good Lures: Any OK Lure.
- Bad Lures: Fly Hook, Salty Lure, Magnet Lure, Large Lure, Sparkling Lure and Golden Hook.

Hirudo Medicinalis
- Tier 2
- Required Bait: Crickets, Leeches, Minnows, Squid or Nautiluses.
- Good Lures: Fly Hook.
- Bad Lures: Salty Lure, Magnet Lure, Large Lure, Sparkling Lure and Golden Hook.

Hiodon Tergisus
- Tier 3
- Required Bait: Crickets, Leeches, Minnows, Squid or Nautiluses.
- Good Lures: Sparkling Lure.
- Bad Lures: Fly Hook, Salty Lure, Magnet Lure, Large Lure and Golden Hook.

Esox Masquinongy
- Tier 2
- Required Bait: Crickets, Leeches, Minnows, Squid or Nautiluses.
- Good Lures: Large Lure, Sparkling Lure, or any OK Lure.
- Bad Lures: Fly Hook, Salty Lure, Magnet Lure and Golden Hook.

Perca Flavescens
- Tier 1
- Required Bait: Worms, Crickets, Leeches, Minnows, Squid or Nautiluses.
- Good Lures: Any OK Lure.
- Bad Lures: Fly Hook, Salty Lure, Magnet Lure, Large Lure, Sparkling Lure and Golden Hook.

Esox Lucius
- Tier 2
- Required Bait: Crickets, Leeches, Minnows, Squid or Nautiluses.
- Good Lures: Large Lure, Sparkling Lure or any OK Lure.
- Bad Lures: Fly Hook, Salty Lure, Magnet Lure and Golden Hook.

Cyprinodon Pachycephalus
- Tier 3
- Required Bait: Crickets, Leeches, Minnows, Squid or Nautiluses.
- Good Lures: Fly Hook or Sparkling Lure.
- Bad Lures: Salty Lure, Magnet Lure, Large Lure and Golden Hook.

Freshwater Fish (Q-Z)
Rainbow Trout
Oncorhynchus Mykiss
- Tier 1
- Required Bait: Worms, Crickets, Leeches, Minnows, Squid or Nautiluses.
- Good Lures: Large Lure or any OK Lure.
- Bad Lures: Fly Hook, Salty Lure, Magnet Lure, Sparkling Lure and Golden Hook.

Oncorhynchus Nerka
- Tier 1
- Required Bait: Worms, Crickets, Leeches, Minnows, Squid or Nautiluses.
- Good Lures: Large Lure or any OK Lure.
- Bad Lures: Fly Hook, Salty Lure, Magnet Lure, Sparkling Lure and Golden Hook.

Lymnaea Stagnalis
- Tier 1
- Required Bait: Worms, Crickets, Leeches, Minnows, Squid or Nautiluses.
- Good Lures: Fly Hook.
- Bad Lures: Salty Lure, Magnet Lure, Large Lure, Sparkling Lure and Golden Hook.

Acipenser Fulvescens
- Tier 1
- Required Bait: Worms, Crickets, Leeches, Minnows, Squid or Nautiluses.
- Good Lures: Large Lure or any OK Lure.
- Bad Lures: Fly Hook, Salty Lure, Magnet Lure, Sparkling Lure and Golden Hook.

Bufo Bufo
- Tier 2
- Required Bait: Crickets, Leeches, Minnows, Squid or Nautiluses.
- Good Lures: Sparkling Lure or any OK Lure.
- Bad Lures: Fly Hook, Salty Lure, Magnet Lure, Large Lure and Golden Hook.

Actinemys Marmorata
- Tier 2
- Required Bait: Crickets, Leeches, Minnows, Squid or Nautiluses.
- Good Lures: Sparkling Lure or any OK Lure.
- Bad Lures: Fly Hook, Salty Lure, Magnet Lure, Large Lure and Golden Hook.

Sander Vitreus
- Tier 1
- Required Bait: Worms, Crickets, Leeches, Minnows, Squid or Nautiluses.
- Good Lures: Large Lure or any OK Lure.
- Bad Lures: Fly Hook, Salty Lure, Magnet Lure, Sparkling Lure and Golden Hook.

Saltwater Fish (Introduction)
REMEMBER to fish in Saltwater pools. This includes the Void & the Ocean. If you do want to fish elsewhere, use Fresh Lure.
Required Bait means bait that is required in order to catch that particular fish.
Good Lures are lures that will increase your odds of catching that particular fish.
Bad Lures are lures that will decrease/remove your odds of catching that particular fish.
OK Lures: Bare Hook, Lucky Hook, Patient Lure, Quick Jig, Salty Hook, Efficient Lure, Attractive Angler, Double Hook or Challenge Hook.
I recommend you select an OK Lure before searching for the fish you want. This way, if it has no 'Good Lures' you can default to the OK Lure that you like.
My recommendations for OK Lures -Double Hook if you need/want Cash. -Attractive Angler if you don't need/want Cash. -Patient Lure if you're multi-tasking or going AFK.
Use Golden Hook as an OK Lure ONLY IF you still need Golden Bass or Diamond, otherwise this is considered a Bad Lure as it increases your chance of getting a fish you don't need over a fish that you do need. It's listed by default as a Bad Lure on majority of the fish below because it does lower your chance of getting that particular fish in the end.
You might see some small fish that may or may not have Fly Hook and also the option to use any OK Lures, this is because there's quite a bit of small fish and unless it's in the smaller quadrant of all of the small fish, it may damage your odds in which case it would be considered a Bad Lure. Same with the larger fish & lure. Basically, your mileage may vary.
There are also situations where some lures will be listed such as 'Golden Hook > Sparkling Lure'. This just means that there's the best option (which in this case is the 'Golden Hook') and also the weaker but still viable option. ('Sparkling Lure').
Saltwater Fish (A-G)
Pterophyllum Scalare
- Tier 1
- Required Bait: Worms, Crickets, Leeches, Minnows, Squid or Nautiluses.
- Good Lures: Any OK Lure.
- Bad Lures: Fly Hook, Fresh Lure, Magnet Lure, Large Lure, Sparkling Lure and Golden Hook.

Atlantic Salmon
Salmo Salar
- Tier 1
- Required Bait: Worms, Crickets, Leeches, Minnows, Squid or Nautiluses.
- Good Lures: Any OK Lure.
- Bad Lures: Fly Hook, Fresh Lure, Magnet Lure, Large Lure, Sparkling Lure and Golden Hook.

Salmo Salar
- Tier 1
- Required Bait: Worms, Crickets, Leeches, Minnows, Squid or Nautiluses.
- Good Lures: Any OK Lure.
- Bad Lures: Fly Hook, Fresh Lure, Magnet Lure, Large Lure, Sparkling Lure and Golden Hook.

Salmo Salar
- Tier 1
- Required Bait: Worms, Crickets, Leeches, Minnows, Squid or Nautiluses.
- Good Lures: Fly Hook.
- Bad Lures: Fresh Lure, Magnet Lure, Large Lure, Sparkling Lure and Golden Hook.

Latimeria Chalumnae
- Tier 3
- Required Bait: Crickets, Leeches, Minnows, Squid or Nautiluses.
- Good Lures: Sparkling Lure.
- Bad Lures: Fly Hook, Fresh Lure, Magnet Lure, Large Lure and Golden Hook.

Squalus Acanthias
- Tier 1
- Required Bait: Worms, Crickets, Leeches, Minnows, Squid or Nautiluses.
- Good Lures: Any OK Lure.
- Bad Lures: Fly Hook, Fresh Lure, Magnet Lure, Large Lure, Sparkling Lure and Golden Hook.

Anguilla Anguilla
- Tier 1
- Required Bait: Worms, Crickets, Leeches, Minnows, Squid or Nautiluses.
- Good Lures: Any OK Lure.
- Bad Lures: Fly Hook, Fresh Lure, Magnet Lure, Large Lure, Sparkling Lure and Golden Hook.

Paralichthys Dentatus
- Tier 1
- Required Bait: Worms, Crickets, Leeches, Minnows, Squid or Nautiluses.
- Good Lures: Any OK Lure.
- Bad Lures: Fly Hook, Fresh Lure, Magnet Lure, Large Lure, Sparkling Lure and Golden Hook.

Golden Manta Ray
Mobula Aurum
- Tier 3
- Required Bait: Crickets, Leeches, Minnows, Squid or Nautiluses.
- Good Lures: Golden Hook > Sparkling Lure > any OK Lure.
- Bad Lures: Fly Hook, Fresh Lure, Magnet Lure, Large Lure.

Great White Shark
Latimeria Chalumnae
- Tier 3
- Required Bait: Crickets, Leeches, Minnows, Squid or Nautiluses.
- Good Lures: Sparkling Lure.
- Bad Lures: Fly Hook, Fresh Lure, Magnet Lure, Large Lure and Golden Hook.

Mycteroperca Bonaci
- Tier 1
- Required Bait: Worms, Crickets, Leeches, Minnows, Squid or Nautiluses.
- Good Lures: Use any OK Lure.
- Bad Lures: Fly Hook, Fresh Lure, Magnet Lure, Large Lure, Sparkling Lure and Golden Hook.

Saltwater Fish (H-O)
Hammerhead Shark
Sphyrna Mokarran
- Tier 2
- Required Bait: Crickets, Leeches, Minnows, Squid or Nautiluses.
- Good Lures: Large Lure, Sparkling Lure or any OK Lure.
- Bad Lures: Fly Hook, Fresh Lure, Magnet Lure and Golden Hook.

Clupea Harengus
- Tier 1
- Required Bait: Worms, Crickets, Leeches, Minnows, Squid or Nautiluses.
- Good Lures: Fly Hook or any OK Lure.
- Bad Lures: Fresh Lure, Magnet Lure, Large Lure, Sparkling Lure and Golden Hook.

Euphausia Superba
- Tier 1
- Required Bait: Worms, Crickets, Leeches, Minnows, Squid or Nautiluses.
- Good Lures: Fly Hook or any OK Lure.
- Bad Lures: Fresh Lure, Magnet Lure, Large Lure, Sparkling Lure and Golden Hook.

Pterois Volitans
- Tier 2
- Required Bait: Crickets, Leeches, Minnows, Squid or Nautiluses.
- Good Lures: Sparkling Lure or any OK Lure.
- Bad Lures: Fly Hook, Fresh Lure, Magnet Lure, Large Lure and Golden Hook.

Homarus Americanus
- Tier 1
- Required Bait: Worms, Crickets, Leeches, Minnows, Squid or Nautiluses.
- Good Lures: Any OK Lure.
- Bad Lures: Fly Hook, Fresh Lure, Magnet Lure, Large Lure, Sparkling Lure and Golden Hook.

Man O' War
Physalia Physalis
- Tier 3
- Required Bait: Crickets, Leeches, Minnows, Squid or Nautiluses.
- Good Lures: Sparkling Lure or any OK Lure.
- Bad Lures: Fly Hook, Fresh Lure, Magnet Lure, Large Lure and Golden Hook.

Manta Ray
Mobula birostris
- Tier 3
- Required Bait: Crickets, Leeches, Minnows, Squid or Nautiluses.
- Good Lures: Large Lure and Sparkling Lure.
- Bad Lures: Fly Hook, Fresh Lure, Magnet Lure and Golden Hook.

Makaira Nigricans
- Tier 2
- Required Bait: Crickets, Leeches, Minnows, Squid or Nautiluses.
- Good Lures: Large Lure or Sparkling Lure.
- Bad Lures: Fly Hook, Fresh Lure, Magnet Lure and Golden Hook.

Octopus Vulgaris
- Tier 2
- Required Bait: Crickets, Leeches, Minnows, Squid or Nautiluses.
- Good Lures: Sparkling Lure or any OK Lure.
- Bad Lures: Fly Hook, Fresh Lure, Magnet Lure, Large Lure and Golden Hook.

Crassostrea Gigas
- Tier 1
- Required Bait: Worms, Crickets, Leeches, Minnows, Squid or Nautiluses.
- Good Lures: Fly Hook or any OK Lure.
- Bad Lures: Fresh Lure, Magnet Lure, Large Lure, Sparkling Lure and Golden Hook.

Saltwater Fish (P-Z)
Pristis Perotteti
- Tier 1
- Required Bait: Worms, Crickets, Leeches, Minnows, Squid or Nautiluses.
- Good Lures: Any OK Lure
- Bad Lures: Fly Hook, Fresh Lure, Magnet Lure, Large Lure, Sparkling Lure and Golden Hook.

Sea Turtle
Chelonia Mydas
- Tier 3
- Required Bait: Crickets, Leeches, Minnows, Squid or Nautiluses.
- Good Lures: Sparkling Lure.
- Bad Lures: Fly Hook, Fresh Lure, Magnet Lure, Large Lure and Golden Hook.

Hippocampus Kuda
- Tier 2
- Required Bait: Crickets, Leeches, Minnows, Squid or Nautiluses.
- Good Lures: Fly Hook, Sparkling Lure or any OK Lure.
- Bad Lures: Fresh Lure, Magnet Lure, Large Lure and Golden Hook.

Pandalus Borealis
- Tier 1
- Required Bait: Worms, Crickets, Leeches, Minnows, Squid or Nautiluses.
- Good Lures: Fly Hook.
- Bad Lures: Fresh Lure, Magnet Lure, Large Lure, Sparkling Lure and Golden Hook.

Dosidicus Gigas
- Tier 3
- Required Bait: Crickets, Leeches, Minnows, Squid or Nautiluses.
- Good Lures: Large Lure or Sparkling Lure.
- Bad Lures: Fly Hook, Fresh Lure, Magnet Lure and Golden Hook.

Sting Ray
Dasyatis Pastinaca
- Tier 2
- Required Bait: Crickets, Leeches, Minnows, Squid or Nautiluses.
- Good Lures: Sparkling Lure or any OK Lure.
- Bad Lures: Fly Hook, Fresh Lure, Magnet Lure, Large Lure and Golden Hook.

Mola mola
- Tier 1
- Required Bait: Worms, Crickets, Leeches, Minnows, Squid or Nautiluses.
- Good Lures: Any OK Lure.
- Bad Lures: Fly Hook, Fresh Lure, Magnet Lure, Large Lure, Sparkling Lure and Golden Hook.

Xiphias Gladius
- Tier 2
- Required Bait: Crickets, Leeches, Minnows, Squid or Nautiluses.
- Good Lures: Large Lure.
- Bad Lures: Fly Hook, Fresh Lure, Magnet Lure, Sparkling Lure and Golden Hook.

Thunnus Alalunga
- Tier 1
- Required Bait: Worms, Crickets, Leeches, Minnows, Squid or Nautiluses.
- Good Lures: Any OK Lure.
- Bad Lures: Fly Hook, Fresh Lure, Magnet Lure, Large Lure, Sparkling Lure and Golden Hook.

Balaenoptera Musculus
- Tier 3
- Required Bait: Crickets, Leeches, Minnows, Squid or Nautiluses.
- Good Lures: Large Lure > Sparkling Lure.
- Bad Lures: Fly Hook, Fresh Lure, Magnet Lure and Golden Hook.

Anarhichas Lupus
- Tier 2
- Required Bait: Crickets, Leeches, Minnows, Squid or Nautiluses.
- Good Lures: Sparkling Lure or any OK Lure.
- Bad Lures: Fly Hook, Fresh Lure, Magnet Lure, Large Lure and Golden Hook.

Miscellaneous - Rain Fish
This section will cover all the Fish (not including UFO) located in the 'Misc' section of the Journal.
Some of these fish have varying fishing methods and I'll go through them below.
Fish that can only be caught DURING RAIN.
To catch these fish, you MUST be sitting under a rainy cloud and fishing. Any pool of water works, including both Freshwater and Saltwater, as long as it's raining from above you.
Chance of catching a rain fish is 8%.
- Tier 1
- Required Bait: Worms, Crickets, Leeches, Minnows, Squid or Nautiluses.
- Good Lures: Fly Hook or any OK Lure.
- Bad Lures: Salty Lure, Fresh Lure, Magnet Lure, Large Lure, Sparkling Lure and Golden Hook.

Helicoprion Bessonowi
- Tier 2
- Required Bait: Crickets, Leeches, Minnows, Squid or Nautiluses.
- Good Lures: Large Lure.
- Bad Lures: Fly Hook, Salty Lure, Fresh Lure, Magnet Lure and Golden Hook.

Horseshoe Crab
Tachypleus Tridentatus
- Tier 1
- Required Bait: Worms, Crickets, Leeches, Minnows, Squid or Nautiluses.
- Good Lures: Fly Hook or any OK Lure.
- Bad Lures: Salty Lure, Fresh Lure, Magnet Lure, Large Lure, Sparkling Lure and Golden Hook.

Leedsichthys Problematicus
- Tier 3
- Required Bait: Crickets, Leeches, Minnows, Squid or Nautiluses.
- Good Lures: Golden Hook > Sparkling Lure > Large Lure.
- Bad Lures: Fly Hook, Salty Lure, Fresh Lure, Magnet Lure.

Miscellaneous - Trash, Treasure & UFO
This section will cover the Trash, Treasure and UFO located in the 'Misc' section of the Journal.
Some of these fish have varying fishing methods and I'll go through them below.
5% Chance for caught fish to be trash. Can be caught anytime, anywhere.
What a story!
- Tier 1
- Required Bait: Worms, Crickets, Leeches, Minnows, Squid or Nautiluses.
- Good Lures: Magnet Lure.
- Bad Lures: Fly Hook, Salty Lure, Fresh Lure, Large Lure, Sparkling Lure and Golden Hook.

Old Boot
Don't Litter!
- Tier 1
- Required Bait: Worms, Crickets, Leeches, Minnows, Squid or Nautiluses.
- Good Lures: Magnet Lure.
- Bad Lures: Fly Hook, Salty Lure, Fresh Lure, Large Lure, Sparkling Lure and Golden Hook.

- Tier 1
- Required Bait: Worms, Crickets, Leeches, Minnows, Squid or Nautiluses.
- Good Lures: Magnet Lure.
- Bad Lures: Fly Hook, Salty Lure, Fresh Lure, Large Lure, Sparkling Lure and Golden Hook.

Drink Rings
Don't Litter!
- Tier 1
- Required Bait: Worms, Crickets, Leeches, Minnows, Squid or Nautiluses.
- Good Lures: Magnet Lure.
- Bad Lures: Fly Hook, Salty Lure, Fresh Lure, Large Lure, Sparkling Lure and Golden Hook.

Plastic Bag
Don't Litter!
- Tier 1
- Required Bait: Worms, Crickets, Leeches, Minnows, Squid or Nautiluses.
- Good Lures: Magnet Lure.
- Bad Lures: Fly Hook, Salty Lure, Fresh Lure, Large Lure, Sparkling Lure and Golden Hook.

Soda Can
Don't Litter!
- Tier 1
- Required Bait: Worms, Crickets, Leeches, Minnows, Squid or Nautiluses.
- Good Lures: Magnet Lure.
- Bad Lures: Fly Hook, Salty Lure, Fresh Lure, Large Lure, Sparkling Lure and Golden Hook.

- Tier 1
- Required Bait: Worms, Crickets, Leeches, Minnows, Squid or Nautiluses.
- Good Lures: Magnet Lure.
- Bad Lures: Fly Hook, Salty Lure, Fresh Lure, Large Lure, Sparkling Lure and Golden Hook.

0.1% Chance for caught fish to be treasure. Can be caught anytime, anywhere.
- Tier 1
- Required Bait: Worms, Crickets, Leeches, Minnows, Squid or Nautiluses.
- Good Lures: Golden Hook > Magnet Lure.
- Bad Lures: Fly Hook, Salty Lure, Fresh Lure, Large Lure and Sparkling Lure.

Treasure Chest
Gives a random cosmetic/title/colour and if you have all of them already you get $100.
- Tier N/A
- Required Bait: Worms, Crickets, Leeches, Minnows, Squid or Nautiluses.
- Good Lures: Double Hook.
- Bad Lures: N/A

UFO Fish
A fish that can only be obtained from fishing a random meteor fall. At random times throughout the game, a distant muffled splash can be heard. This is the sound of a Meteor landing in a pool of water somewhere. You have around 1 minute from the splash sound to find the Meteor before it despawns.

It's recommended that you're in a Solo lobby (other players can steal it and you only get a single fish from the Meteor) with the sound up and no outside noise (or if you need something, like watching a movie, set it to extremely low volume).
Set the Camera in a noiseless location (Press 'N' and move the freecam as close out of bounds as you can to the point where you hear no noise), if you can't find a noiseless location, keep looking. There's quite a few angles you can find where there's absolutely no noise.
The pool there is also a nice place to fish and there isn't much noise so if you don't like sitting with low volume doing nothing you can do that instead. Meteor's can also fall directly in front of you if you're lucky as well. It's happened to me multiple times.
My Preferred Location
Red circle is the location if you want to fish while waiting. It's not complete quiet, but quiet enough.
Black circle is where you want to go to freecam into the forest if you want absolutely no sound other than the meteor splash.
If you want a close-up or an enlarged image, right click any of the images below and click 'Open link in new tab'.

Here is a close-up of my preferred fishing area when waiting for a meteor.

Here's a closer angle of where the quiet area to stand is.

Here is where you want to set up your freecam. (Point towards the main camp)

Unidentified Fish Object
Alienus Caninus
- Tier 2
- Required Bait: Crickets, Leeches, Minnows, Squid or Nautiluses.
- Good Lures: Double Hook or any OK Lure.
- Bad Lures: N/A

This guide is based on information from the original source: Steam Community Guide.