WEBFISHING - Basic Guitar Tutorial (+ Ukulele tuning!)
This guide will help you in learning how to use the guitar properly. I will show you how to build chords, how to switch chords, how to fingerstyle, and even how to play the ukulele.
Section 1 - Building and playing chords
The WEBFISHING guitar mechanics are similar to how guitars in real life play - that means every chord shape and strum pattern translates over.
-- Building your chord --

To set an individual string to a fret, click on the frets while positioning your mouse underneath the string. You can also mute a string by clicking on the note again, in which case the note will disappear.
To set all strings to a fret, click on the buttons on the right of the guitar, corresponding to each fret. This can be quicker for setting things like capos or building barre chords. Keep in mind that fret 0 is just the default noise of the string, which is just the same as not holding down the string.
-- Multple Chord Shapes --

Each chord shape, depending on the number you save it to, will correspond to the numbers on your keyboard. Keep this in mind when you are setting up to play your song. It may be easier to group chords together.
You can also hold SHIFT to hammer a chord when you switch to it.
Section 2 - Strumming and Fingerstyle
-- Strumming --
Strumming is thankfully very simple in this game. All you have to do, is hold down left click and move your mouse across the strings.

Strum right to strum down, strum left to strum up.
-- Fingerstyle --
Fingerstyle may be a bit more complicated to do, and it may be better to use your chord shape slots for this. You can, however, click on the fret and press the corresponding key to pluck.
You can pluck each string using QWERTY.

Section 3 - Ukulele tuning
-- Retuning to ukulele --
Fret 5 is your new fret 0. You may have a lot less range this way, but it's the closest you will get for now. Make sure to also mute the 2 left-most strings, as ukuleles only have 4 strings.
You've now turned your guitar into a ukulele, this is a little bit cursed but it gets the job done.
★ Guitar and Ukulele basic chords
Here are some basic chords to get you started:
("X" means mute/don't play the string)

=== Outro ===
Now go and get out there, impress your friends, sit by the lake or the campfire and enjoy playing.
This guide is based on information from the original source: Steam Community Guide.